07879 620196 lisa@elysiaskinbodylaser.co.uk


What is EMSELLA?

EMSELLA is a non-invasive, FDA approved treatment for pelvic floor muscles and sexual dysfunction concerns. It is for men and women. It uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to stimulate the pelvic floor muscles. This causes them to contract and strengthen. You sit on the chair, fully clothed and it delivers the equivalent of 11,000 supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions in one 28nminute session. (This is more than you could ever do yourself and, held at maximal contraction). EMSELLA works all the pelvic muscles not only the subset that we can work voluntary ). These contractions re-educate the muscles, strengthening the core and pelvic floor muscles.

We are passionate about the benefits of EMSELLA. It’s so positive and we want you to enjoy a healthy, confident lifestyle. Not have to compromise or adapt your daily routine. You can confidently go to your exercise class, a long walk, a day’s shopping, play with the children, dance and sing. TAKE CONTROL, get your freedom back and live your best life.


What are the benefits of EMSELLA?

There are so many benefits !! I would stress to anyone the importance of pelvic floor muscles. Like any other muscle in the body, pelvic floor muscles age. We understand the importance of exercising our body but, these pelvic floor muscles are often neglected until we experience symptons. These can be from any age but commonly after pregnancy and birth, weight gain, constipation, ageing, sneezing, coughing, exercise, back pain, stress, mixed and urge incontinence , during and after menopause, as a result of prostate cancer, surgery or treatment.

Results are generally seen very quickly. Sometimes from the first treatment but, typically from the third treatment. Plus, its progressive. It triggers the body’s natural response and creates new muscle fibres and proteins. An incredibly important point is that the neuro-muscular links are re-ignited so symptons reduce.

Sexual dysfuntion is also treated and improved with treatment. Vaginal dryness, discomfort, lack of sexual desire in women and erectile dsyfuntion and lack of sexual desire in men.

The treatment is pain free with no downtime.


How many EMSELLA treatments do I need?

You need 6 sessions. 2 treatments per week for 3 weeks. Some patients may need a few more sessions.

A follow up treatment is required at 3 months after initial course. We will discuss your maintenance plan after this as, it will vary from patient to patient.


Is EMSELLA safe?

Yes . It is an FDA approved treatment that has been proven safe and effective in numerous clinical studies. It is non-invasive with no known side effects.



Course of 6 treatments £1000

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